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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Azercosmos is committed to protecting the privacy of its partners, customers as well as users that provide their data via our website.

Principally, business processes and company activities at Azercosmos are conducted according to the relevant ISO standards (ISO 9001 and ISO 27001) and the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on private information.

Below is the information about how we process users’ data, how we handle the company activities, protect information exchange systems, and comply with security standards.

Data Protection

Azercosmos does not collect personal data from users visiting its website, unless users choose to provide us with such information, for example, when subscribing to our news section or sending us an inquiry via our website.

Data that users provide us with is only used in the handling of that inquiry. You may always unsubscribe from receiving similar information in the future or request to delete all your private information.

Should the user choose to provide personal data, their information can be used by Azercosmos internally to respond to inquiry, support Azercosmos’ CSR, marketing, and other business purposes, and improve the company’s marketing activities, services and solutions to meet the users’ expectation.

Users’ data, stored at Azercosmos, cannot be sold and/or shared with a third party, without the users’ consent.

Cookie policy

The list of third-party cookies used by the website is shown below, as well as a link "Read the privacy notice" to the websites of these third parties, where you can find their privacy policies.
Facebook: Read the privacy noticeGoogle Analytics: Read the privacy noticeLinkedIn: Read the privacy noticeX: Read the privacy notice

Cookies are text files with small pieces of data that are directed to your computer as you use a computer network.

The site also collects information via third-party cookies for statistical purposes, in particular through Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google which uses the data collected to track and analyze usage.

Options for the use of cookies: through settings of your browser, you can ensure that cookies are disabled or not saved on your computer or mobile device without your prior express consent. If you disable cookies, you will not have access to many features that make site more efficient and some of our services will not work properly.

In case of queries, contact us at


Get in touch

Our team is always here to support you and answer any questions you might have.