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The BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) is a service document containing particulars of frequency allotments and assignments to space services.

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Effective negotiation of comments and conflicts is essential for coordinating the orbital positions of satellites. This involves addressing regulatory complaints while simultaneously monitoring spectrum utilization. Strategic planning and decision-making are critical to ensure that all aspects are managed efficiently, facilitating smooth satellite operations in compliance with regulatory standards.


Key features

The application offers a range of features designed to enhance satellite and Earth station operations, including SNS database browsing and access to real-world satellite and Earth station networks’ information. Users can filter data based on frequency margins and detect special sections for API/A and API/B, as well as Provision 11.41. Additionally, it enables detection of CR/C, CR/D, and CR/E sections, government band identification, and provisions based on administration. Finally, results can be easily exported as comprehensive reports for further analysis.


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