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About Us

As the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, we are committed to providing customised solutions based on advanced technologies for peace and prosperity. We focus on providing connectivity globally, nurturing talent, serving as a regional space hub and contributing to the space industry development in Azerbaijan.



It takes a competent and talented team of managers to inspire and lead a company. Our leadership consists of professionals with demonstrated experience in their respective fields.

Dunay Badirkhanov

Dunay Badirkhanov

Acting Chair

Fuad Aslanov

Fuad Aslanov


Ismat Bakhishovlinkedin

Ismat Bakhishov

Director of GIS Centre

Fariz Aliyevlinkedin

Fariz Aliyev

Director of Research & Development Centre

Rustam Allahverdiyevlinkedin

Rustam Allahverdiyev

Director of Satellite and Ground-based Systems Department

Javid Baghirovlinkedin

Javid Baghirov

Director of Solutions Engineering and Customer Operations Department

Inara Ibrahimkhalilovalinkedin

Inara Ibrahimkhalilova

Director of Human Resources Management and Documentation Department

Vugar Bayramovlinkedin

Vugar Bayramov

Counselor on International Relations

Natavan Hasanovalinkedin

Natavan Hasanova

Director of Strategy and Business Development Department

Fidan Behbudovalinkedin

Fidan Behbudova

Head of Public Relations Media and Communication Section

Asim Alililinkedin

Asim Alili

Director of IT Department

Rasim Guliyevlinkedin

Rasim Guliyev

Director of Legal Department

Ilgar Abdullayevlinkedin

Ilgar Abdullayev

Space law advisor to Chairman of the Board

Khalil Alizadalinkedin

Khalil Alizada

Director of Finance Department


Get in touch

Our team is always here to support you and answer any questions you might have.