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Climate Change - an Eye from Space platform has been presented to the public

Climate Change - an Eye from Space platform has been presented to the public

Azercosmos presented to the public the digital climate platform prepared on the impact of global climate change in Azerbaijan. The platform was showcased at the conference dedicated to the Green World Solidarity Year.

Need to be noted that a comparative analysis of climate change based on satellite imagery has been conducted on the digital platform prepared in two languages. The analyses on the platform cover five directions – snow cover and glaciers, water resources, drought and desertification, agricultural lands, and atmospheric changes.

At the conference, attended by representatives of government bodies, private companies focusing on climate issues, educational institutions, and media, it was stated that global climate changes have also had an impact on our country.

The average annual temperature in Azerbaijan has increased over the past 100 years. According to the analysis of satellite imagery, there has been an average decrease of 18% in glacier areas in the Greater Caucasus, Lesser Caucasus, and Talysh mountains over the past 7 years. Analysis of satellite imagery shows that the Caspian Sea level has decreased by 2 meters over the past 30 years. During the assessment of drought levels across the country, it was determined that 15% of Azerbaijan's territory is at a very high risk of drought. Based on cosmic monitoring analysis of fires across the country, it was observed that a total of 10,563 hectares of land were burned last year. Additionally, the values of harmful gases altering the composition of the atmosphere have also increased annually.

Chairperson of the Board of Azercosmos, Samaddin Asadov, noted that the first comprehensive digital report on climate change in our country based on satellite monitoring has been made possible thanks to the Azersky satellite. He added, Satellite resources are optimal in terms of financial expenses and resource usage for the effective assessment of large, inaccessible areas.

At the conference, Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Umayra Taghiyeva, Director of the Geographic Information Systems Center of Azercosmos Ismet Bakhishov, Head of Land Use Control Department of the Ministry of Agriculture Firidun Taghiyev, Adviser to the chairperson of the Azerbaijan State Agency of Water Resources Asad Shirinov, and Country Manager for the United Nations Global Compact Office, Samir Mammadov, made presentations on the dynamics and impacts of climate change in Azerbaijan. 

Within the framework of the conference, in addition to the digital climate report, Azercosmos announced its adoption of its own Green Policy document. By joining United Nations Global Compact initiatives last year. Azercosmos established a goal to minimize its impact on the environment during its operations, the development and launch of satellites, their activities in orbit, and the management of space objects.

You can get acquainted with the "Climate Change - an Eye from Space" digital platform by visiting the link:


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